Friday, 10 October 2008

Gemnoviag leaves the NAFM

The Republic of Gemnoviag has leaft the NAFM after stating that it was no where near the North Atlantic and that it believes that the NAFM is a "spoof" of the UNAM. The Minister of Union Affairs, Vladimir Turkov has stated that "The tone in which the message from the President of Gemonviag was quite rude and uneccessary", the King of Kaznia, Urosh Dushanov had stated that he contacted the King of Fristehen regarding Gemonviags sudden resignation and said "I was dissapointed at the tone of the message and its contents" he went on to state his intentions to Fristehen, "Although Gemnoviag has removed its self, Kaznia will still remain in relations with them. I think we should put this aside and continue to work for peace and prosperity for Kaznia and Fristehen, the NAFM and Gemvoniag". The NAFM Commossion has also been informed of this incident.

Although Gemnoviag has made clear its intentions to join the UNAM (Union of North American Micronations) it should be made clear that the Kaznian Ministry of Defence long ago came to the conclusion that the organisation has gone defunct.