. The NAFM Court of equality
. The NAFM Capital of Culture
. The NAFM Open Borders Treaty
. The NAFM Exploratory Council
. The NAFM Executive Chairman Act
. The NAFM Civil War Policy
All of these documents and idea's were officialised without a vote or debate. The reprasentative from Kaznia said "I am sorry for doing this, but i can assure you it will not happen again, this only happened due to Kaznia's poor organisation, we [The NAFM] simply had too many projets going all at once and many were becomming forgotten."
As a result of this, many new institutions have been established such as the NAFM Court of Equality which supervises and makes sure that acts and policies are applied uniformly throughout the NAFM.

Above: The official symbol of the NAFM Court of Equality, designed by Kaznia.
The NAFM Capital of Culture is a city or town in the NAFM Chiarmanship state (also chosen by the Chairmanship state) which is allowed to showcase its cultural achievements, it is similar to that of the European capital of Culture. The current capital of Culture is Serovostok, Kaznia.