Kaznia has proposed changing the current NAFM symbols to the "Mk2" symbols. The NAFM commission is discussing the possibilities of changing the current symbols of the NAFM. The Kaznian government proposed the changing of the NAFM symbols for the following reasons:
1. It is hard to make the flag of the NAFM
2. With new member coming it is quite tedious to remake the flag and coat of arms, and then to update all the necessary web pages.
3. It is becoming increasingly hard to find space on both the symbols for the red stars.
If the commission agree to have a vote the vote shall be held in the NAFM Parliament for 7 days, if a member misses the voting they cannot vote after the vote has been held.
Above: The Current flag of the NAFM
Above: The current coatof arms of the NAFM
Above: The proposed flag of the NAFM
Above: The proposed coat of arms of the NAFM